Monday, December 8, 2014

Cures Denied: Ass Out, Faces In Place, Sheri And Steven Jarrot, Dream Shapes

1 comment:

  1. Happen by Mistakes: Fun and games for the people that were part of this crime committed against the men in uniform, this was their rewards, for time served. Family, friends and foes, with problems created by the government, happy and sad stories about our brotherd, fathers, sons, and the men and women in the military were used as rats or frogs for Uncle Sam. Mistakes were made, mistakes not corrected, lives changed, in the issues given to the military members. Kids and their kids live lifers broken and sad.
    Mistakes of the government, mistakes of a man, mistakes for have a stand, for something that was not great. So What? Lots of hair, what could you do with it. Why grow it so long, my only question here. One of a kind, back in the day, records were kept. History recorded. Uncle Sam Shame Who can you blame, Uncle Sam and the United States Government, for experiments done for the good of the nation is in question now, and the excuses used for over forty years. Mistake given or taken in the hospitals of the county, in Mason County Alabama.
